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 Product/Application Life Cycle: Features/Requirements, Tests, Bugs.
This article proposes is to describe the entire quality process from start (requirement) till release version to GA (general availability for customers).

Software Development Cycle


1. Add New Requirement - Usually this step will be done by PM (product marketing) or in case it’s pure Dev feature (R&D manager), in the following example I will use PM user in informUp.

InformUP Default Requirement Flow

a. PM Login to informUp.

b. There are several of options to open new requirements, in this example choose the Requirements Tab, and click on the New Requirement button.

c. In the requirement window fill up all details (please note: this can be customize to your needs).

We added new requirement and assign it to R&D manager.

2. Development Phase - In this step R&D manager receive the new requirement from the PM and assign it to one of his Dev TL (team leaders).

a. R&D manager gets email notification about new requirement assign to him

b. R&D manager login, double click on the requirement, decide to assign it to one of his TL, add some comments and click OK.

c. Dev TL gets email notification about new requirement assign to him, he logs into the system and start to work on the new requirement.

d. When finish develops he assign the requirement to QA manager after filling the resolution tab


3. QA Phase - In this step QA manager assign it to QA TL and QA TL assign it to QA Engineer.

a. QA Engineer gets notification that the new requirement arrives and ready for QA.
InformUP Default Test Flow

b. QA Engineer writes tests for the new requirement and connects between the test and the
requirement by filling the requirement ID in Related ID field.

c. After finishing writing all the tests, QA TL review the test and change tests status from NEW to READY, now the QA engineer can start executing the tests.

d. For each test he must fill the tester name, build that was tested and version.

e. QA TL and QA manager can monitor tests progress any time.

f. During the tests the QA engineer finds some bugs and open them, in the Bug he fill the following:
Title - try to use information relate to the feature.
Description - test case ID.
Related ID - feature ID.
Estimate Test Time - in days.
Release Phase – in which phase you open this bug (Dev, QA, Alpha, Beta or GA).


g. Bug arrives to development, get fixed and assign back to QA with the following information:
Status – “Fixed” in case the bug is fixed. (also available: duplicate, know issue, need more info etc…)
Assign To - QA Engineer.
Fixed By - Developer that fixed the Bug.
Version - fixed in version.
Build - fixed in build.
Actual Dev Time - can be compare to estimate dev time.
How to Test - testing according to developer.

h. QA engineer get notification about the fix, update to version contain the fix and verify the bug.

Status - change to “Verified by QA” .
Assign To - QA TL for another verification level.
Actual test Time – for statistics.

i. QA TL overview the bug and can add comments if needed, then assign it to QA manager.

j. QA Manager closes the bug.

InformUP Default Bug Flow

k. After QA engineer execute all feature tests (all -> pass) and verify all open bugs, the feature is ready to roll out to customers.

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